Valentines Small Group

Unknown // Monday, 20 February 2012

This Year February was our month to host small group and so I decided to turn it into an impromptu Valentines dinner. I'll have to post a picture of what our family/play room looked like before Christmas, but we've been shuffling things around and what used to be a designated play room has become a new "multi-purpose" space. For our dinner we were able to put the "adult" table in there, but on a regular basis there's usually Luke's tent system or a Thomas Track or something like that.

Kid's table - I still can't believe that we have kids that our big enough to sit at a table on their own :) They were bringing Valentines for each other so I made some last-minute bags...

I also thought that it would be fun to have a little "buffet" for the kids so I made some little tent cards with fun Valentines sayings:

I also had BANANAS over you! - bananas

You're a great CATCH - goldfish crackers

Apple Juice:

You're so sweet - marshmallows

Speaking of sweet, I think Luke and Kensington are pretty sweet :)

All of our silly valentines:

Luke - 3 years, Mason - 10 months, Kensington - 3 years, Smith - 2 years, Nathan - 5 years, Anistyn - 1 year, Jaxson - 3 years, Rawston - 11 months