You're can't have Halloween without a pumpkin, right?
Hmmmm ... a bit of a problem there ...
You see, back in May we planted a whole packet of pumpkin seeds.
Some in the ground, some in pots but only two plants grew ... remember how rubbish the weather was back then? ... and so far only one tiny pumpkin has put in an appearance.
We have nurtured that little pumpkin so carefully.
It's had tomato feed, daily watering throughout the hot weather and a morning slug & snail patrol to catch the terrors who were trying to make their way across our carefully laid grit.
It was obviously never going to be the biggest pumpkin in the world but still it was a pumpkin.
Until last Wednesday, that is, when stupid, cack-handed mummy removed one tiny baby slug creeping over the grit and thought she better just check the pumpkin to see if any of its brothers & sisters had got to it.
Oh foolish mummy!
The pumpkin came away in my hand and we are now without a pumpkin for Halloween. Or at least a home grown specially nurtured by us pumpkin :-(
Obviously, we will go the greengrocers exactly like we did last year and buy several but it would have been nice to have our own.
To make up for our trauma ... picture small child sobbing in disbelief that her mother could be so hopeless ... I think we will have to have some real fun pimping up our pumpkins this year and I am loving these fun ideas for a pumpkin with a difference that were shared at my Empty Your Archive link party ...
What about you? Have you already started planning Halloween?
If you're looking for fun ideas do check out the links from other bloggers at the bottom of the post and feel free to share your own Halloween posts new and old ...
Glittered Pumpkins - Life With Moore Babies
Jack-O-Lantern - The Pin Junkie
Painted Pumpkins - The Pin Junkie
Melted Crayon Pumpkins - Life With Moore Babies
Dryer Vent Pumpkins - Turtle and Tails
Pumpkin Carving Ideas - Bear and Lion Mama