Mason - 7 months

Unknown // Sunday 11 December 2011

This post is almost a month overdue, as Mason will be 8 months this coming week - but better late than never, right??? (except I just realized that I never did his 6 month post! OOOPS! I'll have to get on that one this week). Anyway, this picture pretty much sums Mason up at seven months - mouth ALWAYS open! He is ALWAYS happy, silly and just overall joyful :)

He makes us laugh and smile constantly...

... and is getting into more mischief every day. Like putting his 7 month sign in his mouth the entire time we were trying to take his picture :)

Seven months brought about the biggest milestone so far - sitting up!

Big brother Luke, not to be outdone, wanted to get in on the photo shoot - with his Santa hat (duh!)