A New Game

Unknown // Sunday, 8 January 2012

Over the break Luke came up to me and very excitedly goes, "Mommy, Mommy! I've come up with a great new game to play!" Of course, I enthusiastically asked him to tell me about it and he goes, "It's called 'Before Mason Was Born' and so that means you need to take Mason out of here and away from all my stuff!"
I give Luke points for creativity and delivery and, as an older sibling, can empathize with his desire for a time when he could leave a line of cars out on the floor without running the risk of it being demolished.

Luke is very sweet with Mason, and he'll often go and get Mason "baby toys" to play with to try and keep him out of his toys, but if Luke is playing with something, Mason wants to be right there too.
This little brother LOVES his big brother and especially loves his big brother's toys :) He may look sweet, but he can knock over a block tower, break up a train track and chew on a car with the best of them.

It's definitely a new game with this one around, but the game is twice as fun, twice as silly and twice as smiley :)