McChristmas 2011

Unknown // Sunday, 8 January 2012

This year we hosted our annual McChristmas (Christmas with Dave's siblings and their families) and we had THE BEST time! Mason and Levi are only about 5 months apart and I can't wait for them to start playing together. SO CUTE! Mason, Uncle Jonathan and Dave (I should probably call him David in this post since that's what ALL of his family calls him - when we met in high school everyone called him Dave - WEIRD! hahaha)

Sweet Levi...

Luke and Lilly eating some dinner:
David digging in:Lilly is sooooooooooo sweet with all of her younger (and all boys) cousins, even when they're being silly and crawling all over her :)

Luke opening up his easel from Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Tori and Lilly:

Mason is just as enthralled with Lilly as Luke is :)

Luke and Lilly hugging :)

Mason opening up a new boat for the bathtub!
I was soooooooooo excited to give Miss Lilly her TOMS :)

And I think she was pretty excited to receive them. Girlfriend has some definite opinions about what she wears (can you tell???) and she always looks super cute, so I was glad she liked them.

All the present opening wore Levi OUT!

Uncle David being goofy :)

Luke and Lilly took a break from opening gifts to decorate some bangle bracelets! Sweet cousins:

Matthew (Dave's younger brother) and Levi (3 months old), David, Mason (8 months old) and Luke (3 years old) Jonathan (Dave's older brother) and Lilly (6 years old) and Stephen (Dave's youngest brother).
Luke gets a huge kick out of knowing that EVERYONE who was at our house that night has the same last name - McAnally! :) hahaha
My sweet McAnally boys: McChristmas is always a blast and this year was no exception! Can't wait until next Christmas when Levi and Mason are running around getting into trouble together! :)