Routine ... weekly housework

Unknown // Tuesday, 14 August 2012

There's an obvious obsession on this blog at the moment with housework but I am quite determined to cram it into as little time as possible whilst still keeping the show on the road.  I am not talking here some perfectly pristine, 50s throwback - although, I do wonder if a house coat would reduce on laundry :-) - just that we have food and clean clothes and are not in danger of a visit from the environmental health agency!

The problem with housework is that it is a monster who never stops gobbling up the hours - if you feed it even a tiny bit it demands more and more of your precious time as you notice just one more little thing that needs doing.  Ann Oakley's Sociology of Housework has some great descriptions of the monster at work in the 70s including a mum living in a flat with no running water and an outside loo who was still determined to wash her curtains every fortnight!  I know, I know it's ever so much better now and we really don't know we're born what with all the equipment we have to help and everything but I am convinced the monster hasn't changed!  It's still there eating away at those few little minutes you get to yourself ...

So I am taking up my shining sword, (aka my fabulous new weekly housework routine), and am going to fell the beast ... it shall not have more than an hour a day of my time (*at least most days) and I will still get everything done that actually needs to be done!

I will post from the battle front and let you know how I fare :-)   In the meantime, do add your links to your own routines or anything remotely houseworky below ...

*** A DOMESTIC DUMMY GODDESS LINKY *****************************