Here are some pictures from my iPhone from the past two weeks. Enjoy!
I love everything about this picture - the crazy look on Mason's face, Luke's hand (because I can just hear him yelling, "Stop, Mason!" and of course, the fact that Mason has two golf clubs in his hands :)
Those two little feet spell TROUBLE!!!
Luke often makes "creative" sandwiches and such with his dinner. On this particular day it was taco pasta, carrots and mandarin oranges with peach yogurt - all to make "yogurt soup". The nastiest part is that he ate every. last. bite!
We brought Gibi a Sonic Strawberry Limeade at work one day. Luke was pretty excited to see his Gibi :)
A couple of girls who I teach with came over for lunch. One of them has two little girls, Eleanore and Zoey, and Luke was pretty excited to have them over:
Mason sleeping with a bunch of his animals:
Dinosaurs make great lunch dates: