Top tips ... mastitis

Unknown // Wednesday, 5 September 2012

This is another blog - like the previous one on reflux - that I have to make clear from the beginning isn't based on our own experience.

We had all sorts of other palaver with breast feeding but luckily not mastitis.  I am just acting as editor here for lots of ideas and suggestions that came from friends who did go through it.

I would love to receive thoughts from mums who did suffer with it and then we can make it into an ever better list that can hopefully help new mums going through it - feel free to comment on the post or send me a message and I will keep updating the list.

If you are going mastitis right now you won't need me to tell you that it can be excruciatingly painful.    You can download and print off the full list of top tips on mastitis but here's a summary of lots of ideas for managing the pain and preventing it from recurring.  As with all these things some of the advice is contradictory so is a question of trying things and see what works ...

Tips for Easing Mastitis

  1. Get plenty of rest (I know easier said than done but your body needs to recover)
  2. Drink plenty of fluids
  3. Wear loose fitting clothes
  4. Wearing maternity bras that open right up when you are feeding
  5. Clothes that open right up when feeding
  6. Completely empty breast by expressing at end of feed
  7. Don't skip a feed without expressing
  8. Soften breasts with warm compress to open ducts
  9. If very painful to feed apply a cold compress to breast
  10. Massage breasts to remove blockages
  11. If have mastitis lumps feed with baby's chin towards lump
  12. Hot shower before feeding
  13. Don't sleep on stomach
  14. Open bra right out to feed
  15. If only in one breast feed off one side only - it is possible!
  16. Get a full course of antibiotics - 10-14 days not 7
  17. Do complete any antibiotics
  18. Get experienced mum to watch you feed to see if anything odd in position
  19. Get seamless maternity bras
  20. Feed upside down
  21. Get partner to feed off breast to fully drain :-)
  22. Support breast underneath when feeding
  23. Don't interupt feeds - or at least try not to
  24. Look out for anything that could be pressing on breast e.g. clothes, bag
  25. Sleep on alternate sides
  26. Do NOT feel like a failure if you switch to formula
Mastitis can result in serious infection and abcesses that needs to be drained in the hospital so if there's extreme pain and a lot of redness and lumps or any sign of infection do see your GP and do push to get a scan so this can be ruled out.  

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