Top tips ... reflux

Unknown // Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The lists I blog about are usually based on our own experience - some joyous and some down right awful!  I hope by sharing what I've learnt so far, other mums will share back and give me a whole new set of quick crib lists to get me through the next 18 50 years of motherhood ...

So if you've got any lists lurking at the back of your brain, skulking at the bottom of your bag or just a bit mixed up with the washing please do share!

They don't have to be masterpieces or the finished article, but if you can give us a starting point we can all add our penny's worth and together come up with something fabulous.  Top tips, check-lists, routines, budgets, shopping lists ... the lot ... are all welcome.

Anyway, in the meantime - whilst you're busy hunting out your best lists - I have been getting requests for tip lists in things we were lucky enough not to go through or at least haven't yet.  Not having been there, done it and got the t-shirt, I am a bit nervous about offering advice but nagging from friends has convinced me to at least edit their ideas and suggestions.

The first up is a list of top tips on reflux ... if you're going through reflux at the moment you'll know that it can be absolutely heart rending and unfortunately can last from 3 weeks to weaning and beyond.

Easing Reflux

How you feed and what you feed does seem to make a difference and there's lots of ideas about this in the full list of reflux tips that you can download and print but I have also summarised below:
  1. Feed baby in upright position
  2. Hold baby upright for 20-30 minutes after feeding
  3. Small frequent feeds
  4. Burp during bottle feeding
  5. Ensure teat hole not too big
  6. Add rice cereal to milk
  7. Express a bit before feed
  8. Express and bottle feed
  9. Hold bottle hozontally
  10. Switch formulas
  11. Try dairy free formula
  12. Keep baby sitting up as much as possible
  13. Carry around in a sling
  14. Look out for frothy poo that may indicate lactose intolerance
  15. Sleep baby on a cot wedge
  16. Raise cot so baby sleeping slightly raised
  17. Loosen nappy to prevent pressure on tummy
  18. Avoid caffeine as can trigger gastric acid
  19. Avoid chocolate as can trigger gastric acid
  20. Avoid garlic can trigger excess wind
  21. Avoid cabbage & cauliflower can trigger excess wind
  22. Cut down on citrus fruit that make milk too acidic
  23. Cut down on tomatoes that make milk too acidic
  24. Cut down on dairy causes wind & babies may struggle to break down fats
  25. Cut out soya causes gas & associated with allergies
  26. Go to doctor if irritable during feeds & vomits large amounts or fusses & refuses feeds
  27. Add colief to feeds to break down the lactose
  28. Talk to GP about using infant Gaviscon
  29. GPs can prescribe Ranitidine which reduces acid in stomach
  30. Wean with lean meat
Reflux can be the result of lactose intolerance, allergies or for example tongue tie and so if it is very bad or persisting you may need medical help so do talk to your GP and be prepared to be persistent and "push" if you don't think the GP is being helpful and unfortunately, they're not always.

For more help check out the support network at Little Refluxers.

If you're a mum to be or a new mum and just reading around have a look at the list of top tips for new mum's health as in some cases what you eat during pregnancy and in the first 3 to 4 weeks can help to prevent both reflux and colic.

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