I'm not just tired... I'm exhausted. hahaha
I'm not sure if the tiredness is a result of the pregnancy or chasing after Luke and Mason - probably a combination of both. With Luke and Mason tiredness was my only "symptom" during the first trimester, but this baby has decided to make his/her presence known via some extreme all-day morning sickness.
Zofran has been helping take the edge off, but there are still days where I throw up trying to take the Zofran. My students now know the drill, and if I say, "I'll be right back" - they know to just hang tight while I RUN to the restroom. Ewwww. Good impression to make on them, right??? Thankfully I've only had to miss one day of work - and it was before I started on Zofran (think being sick at least 12 times before 10 a.m.). I'm crossing my fingers that in the next couple of weeks the nausea will subside - a girl can hope!
I'm definitely starting to show (I guess the third time around your body knows EXACTLY what to do) and the only really strong craving I've had is blue G2 Garorade. Chips and queso and fruit have also been high on my priority list.
We haven't told Luke about the pregnancy yet... I have an appointment on the 16th and we'll probably let him in on it then. He did mention the other day that he'd like to have another little brother some day and he asked to watch Dave change Mason's diaper so that he would know how to do it if there was ever another brother in our house :)
Here's #3's first picture at 8 weeks 5 days:
The reality of having a third is finally starting to sink in, and we're starting to think about putting Luke and Mason in bunkbeds together, we've been talking about names and can't wait to find out the gender. So blessed for another healthy pregnancy!