I don't know about you but our house seems to be full of assorted first aid kits. The only problem seems to be that most of them contain nothing remotely useful and anything that you might actually need in an emergency is out of date.
So I am going to cut it down so we just have one big tub in the bathroom cupboard plus a really small one to go in my bag everyday - for all those falling off walls and crashing scooter accidents that happen at the park and to and from nursery - and one slightly bigger one for holidays.
I've come up with a full first aid check-list for the big tub - complete with a column for expiry dates so I can keep on top of throwing stuff out and replenishing without constantly rummaging through the tub - and am then going to try and keep the 2 small kits stocked up with a limited amount of stuff from the tub.
And now I really need to get myself sorted with a refresher first aid course - we've been lucky so far and I just dread a major accident as I know I wouldn't have a clue!
Check list - first aid kit
Unknown // Thursday, 4 October 2012