Spring Break - Monday

Unknown // Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Monday of Spring Break was super low key and, in my opinion, perfection :)   We slept in (YAY!) and I snapped this picture of Luke-man rockin' some SERIOUS bedhead.  He needed a haircut and some caffeine :)

Mason has been more into books lately and he and I were looking at the pictures and each time he got to this picture of the kids he would go, "GUYS!".  Someone's been hanging around with his big brother playing with "Lego Guys" :)

LOVE me some fresh flowers... especially in little teacups.

We played Zingo in the afternoon (such a fun game!)...

 ... and Mason helped me make some Chicken Spaghetti.  Since we're all home this week I decided that when I cooked dinner I'd just double or triple the recipe and freeze some meals for after Griffin arrives.  Chicken Spaghetti is done and I'm also planning on making a giant batch of spaghetti sauce (I freeze it in gallon ziploc bags), and I have a couple of other ideas pinned on Pinterest, but if you have a recipe that freezes well let me know!

We ate dinner and Mason and I had some serious conversation :)

And then it was time for The BACHELOR!!!  Mason joined me in bed for our own little watch party... it was perfect :)