So I have majorly failed on the whole "monthly post and picture" for Miss Griffin Joy. I think the last one I did was when she was two months old. OOOPS!
Griffin turned 7 months old on Sunday and she is most definitely living up to her middle name. She was pretty high maintenance up until she was about 4 months old, but she has turned into the most easy going, happiest little girl EVER!
A typical day for Griffin looks like this...
7:00 a.m. - Wake up, drink 8 oz bottle
8:00 a.m. - eat breakfast with Mason (oatmeal, banana, etc.)
9:00 a.m. - small bottle and nap at Miss Lisa's house
11:00 a.m. - Wake up and 8 oz bottle
11:30 a.m. - lunch (squash, avocado, etc.)
1:00 - Nap time!
3:30 - Wake up and 8 oz bottle
5:00 - small nap before dinner (sometimes)
6:00 - dinner (she eats whatever we're eating)
6:45 - 8 oz bottle
7:00 bed time
She's sleeping completely unswaddled and she loves her bed. Often times in the morning she "plays" in there for a long time before we actually get her out of bed.
She LOOOOOOVES to eat and she's pretty much eating whatever we're eating. Chicken spaghetti, corn chowder, apple pie, pancakes, cheerios, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, etc.
I would consider her mobile at this point, in that I can't just put her down and expect her to be there when I come back. She half crawls, half drags herself - but either way she gets there. She loves to roll and can roll all the way across the family room in about 4 seconds.
She's still not sitting up by herself... which probably has to do with the fact that when we set her down to sit she immediately goes forward and starts crawling. Girlfriend is busy. She loves to play with her brothers mega blocks and duplo, loves to look at books and loves to squish her little face in her blankets.
She's laid back and is a great errand runner. She is a total wiggle worm and it's a battle to get clothes on her (but that doesn't stop me!) Her only "diva moment" is that she still refuses to drink her bottle unless it is super warm - like borderline HOT. If we're going out I literally have to boil water and stick it in a thermos so it's hot enough when we get to wherever we're going.
She ADORES her brothers and they get the most smiles out of everyone. She's just started giggling and it's awesome :) She jabbers non stop and I have a feeling that will continue indefinitely. hehehe
Happy 7 months, Griffin Joy! You are the PERFECT addition to our family and we can't imagine life without you. :)