Never Say Never

Unknown // Saturday 25 August 2012

If you had told me 10 years ago, HECK! If you had told me 5 years ago that I'd have two little boys and be driving a mini van I would have sworn up and down "NEVER!"

This summer, when the AC situation in the Jeep got dire (thing no air vents in the back, rear facing infant seat and 110 degree temperatures) we started thinking about the possibility of getting a new car.  We were looking at BIG SUVs (think Tahoe, Suburban, Yukon, etc.) and my mom suggested that we just "try" out a minivan so we could at least cross it off the list and say we'd looked at all our options.  We went to the Honda dealership, went on a test drive and wrote a check that day. :)

I knew it was perfect when Luke said that he really liked the DVD player and comfy seats, but that it was FREEZING in the back :)

We've had it for over a month now and I'm loving everything about it. The doors open by themselves, people!

I struggled with being one of "those moms" driving a van (hahaha), but knowing that it was what's best for our little family made the cool-factor less important. :)

Here is Luke helping Dave put on the license plates a few weeks ago....
We're loving the van and are looking forward to lots of family fun in it... and it just reaffirms my thoughts about never saying never :)