Gingerbread "House"

Unknown // Wednesday 26 December 2012

On Sunday night Luke went with Haha to Home Depot to pick up a few things.  They came home with flashlights and a gingerbread house!  

I've honestly never done a gingerbread house before and was secretly kind of pumped - boy was I wrong.

Things started off well enough... we assembled the house - holding the sides together for one minute JUST like the instructions said.  

But when we started decorating is when things went horribly wrong.  The sides fell off, the front and back fell in and the entire roof collapsed.  Haha and daddy took over the build as I stepped away from the project and they managed to get it re-assembled and ready for us to decorate... but only the roof :)

Here's what the box showed the finished product looking like...

And here's what ours ended up looking like...

I think Luke's is better if I say so myself... more character and personality FOR SURE!

It was an experience if nothing else... but next year I think we'll skip this project :)