Have you got back-up?

Unknown // Wednesday 13 March 2013

Copyright CollegeDegrees360 2012 - Creative Commons

When did you back up your blog?

If you're like me, it's one of those questions you try not to think about.

I do mean to back up whenever I post or tweak the template but somehow ... I get distracted by other stuff.

Which is unbelievably stupid as:
1. Risk = ENORMOUS and 
2. Effort = TINY!

To make it as easier to do quickly, I have written out instructions for myself on how to backup in Blogger. 

I thought others might find them helpful so am sharing them here.

1. Back-up Content
  • In Blogger click on Settings and then Other
  • At the top of the page click Export Blog
  • In pop up window click Download Blog
  • A file in the format blog-MM-DD-YYYY.xml will be created in downloads directory
  • When download complete click Close on pop up window
  • Move the file to a directory specifically for your back-ups
  • Copy the file to a secure remote storage e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox

2. Back-up Template and Gadgets

(You only need to do this if you've changed the template, layout or gadgets in any way)
  •  In Blogger click on Template
  • At top right click on Backup / Restore
  • In pop up window click Download full template
  • A file in the format template-[uniquenumber].xml be created in the downloads directory
  • When download complete click Close on pop up window
  • Rename the file to include the date
  • Move the file to a directory specifically for your back-ups
  • Copy the file to a secure remote storage e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox

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