Christmas Toys for Girls

Unknown // Monday 2 December 2013

Hmmm ... girls really can be demanding when it comes to Christmas presents ... totally unlike their mothers of course ... ;-)

And unfortunately some of their incredibly complicated ideas for complete gorgeousness can turn out more than a tad expensive ... again, nothing like their mothers ...

So this list includes some truly gorgeous Christmas gifts that will impress any little girl plus ideas for making your own still beautiful but less expensive alternatives ...

If you're looking for more Christmas inspiration do check out the brilliant links from other bloggers at the bottom of this post ...

We have this doll house from Hape which we absolutely love as it lets several little girls or mummy and daughter to play with it together ...

But if you've got the space you will win over every little girl with this enormous dolls house for 18" dolls from Wicked Cool Toys ...

And there are also loads of lovely ideas out there for making your own from book shelves including this fab Ikea hack from Ambrosia ...

This fabulous rainbow maker lets girls project rainbows all over their bedroom ...

This picture does not give this lovely fair trade rag doll from Imajo justice ... bought for my daughter's first birthday she is the most beloved of all her toys, is being bought for all her friends and is going to be getting an Imajo "sister" for Christmas ... if you do want to make your own Red Ted Art has a really simple tutorial ...

... we're just getting into the "playing horsies" stage so this lovely horse from Steiff  (we've already got quite a few of their animals and just love the quality) ...

... but this horse with a saddle that the dolls can actually ride could be an even bigger winner ...

... dressing up clothes are always a winner but we are sooo over princesses!! ... or at least mummy is ... so a mermaid costume either peronalised from Melissa & Doug  ... or home made like these from Living Locurto would be winners

... my daughter received one of these magnetic dress up sets last Christmas and I have to confess I was a bit sceptical but it has proved to be a massive hit that she frequently gets out ... 

 .... and even better there are loads of cool tutorials out there for how to make your own including this one from Frog, Goose & Bear ....

.... another stage my daughter is going through is the desire to put herself in all her favourite stories, with character's names being replaced with her own ... I was slightly concerned by this ego mania but friends assure me all little girls do it which makes  personalised fairy tale books like this one from a great idea ... and of course you could write and print your own ...

... have you seen the Curious George episode where he makes a puppet theatre and puts on Hansel & Gretel? We have .... about a thousand times! And a puppet theatre just like George's is high on my daughter's list for Santa ... I am trying to convince my dad he would like to make one like this fab one by Cutesy Crafts which has sticky scenery you can change out ...

but failing that I am loving this puppet theatre and these Red Riding Hood puppets ....

You know those toys, you can't believe you have in the house but every child who comes round plays with it non-stop .... yep a hair dressing kit is one of those!  My daughter and all  her friends love it to bits ...

I love the vintage styling on this gorgeous play kitchen?  ...

... and this completely amazing one made by Young House Love ...

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More Christmas Ideas

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