This is another post I have to start with a complete disclaimer ... I am so not a domestic goddess! Anything but ... but, but, but it has to be done and even though I get some help once a week it still takes ages or the house descends into complete chaos and my ability to get us out of the house on time and even vaguely presentable reaches an all time historic low.
So I am a woman on a mission to reduce time spent in anyway I possibly can without a complete sacrifice of order and basic hygiene! Firstly, have spent some time off work doing the most enormous de-clutter which I admit is just about impossible with a small child in the house but at least most things have somewhere that they belong most of the time and everything else has gone to eBay or Oxfam. Secondly, I'm trying to be ruthless about not doing stuff - children's clothes are mucky and scrumpled in about 2 seconds of putting on so really don't need ironing! Thirdly, am trying very hard to get some good habits going.
I am still at the teeny, tiny baby steps stage but it really is helping - have basically just come up with a list of simple things that take less than 15 minutes - in some case seconds! - but make an enormous difference if they're done. Each week I am trying to add a couple more to my morning and evening "routines", (not sure it quite counts as that yet, but heh it's a start), until after 3 or 4 weeks they really do just become habits that I can do very quickly on auto-pilot whilst thinking about something much more interesting instead!
I am only just starting out - but it really does seem to be making a difference so here are my two work in progress lists that might be of help. Click here for one on ideas of what not to do and here for a list of simple habits that can help.
************* HOUSEWORK HABITS LINKY ***********************************
And if you've got any great posts on housework habits that make a difference do add to the linky below ....
Top tips ... housework habits
Unknown // Monday, 30 July 2012