Top tips ... travelling with tots!

Unknown // Monday, 30 July 2012

Holkham Beach
Whoop, whoop ... off to Norfolk on Saturday for our staycation and the sun is going to shine, shine, shine as we enjoy ourselves on the gorgeous Holkham beach.

Slightly less whoop, whoopy about getting us packed and getting there particularly as it's going to be me and the little one with the car seat and god knows what else on the train and  if I am feeling particularly brave bonkers, a bus, or if I'm not, a cab.  Sometime before Friday, I do so need a totally comprehensive packing list that I can just calmly and serenely tick things off on  ... if you have one please, please send marked urgent!  In exchange I can offer 3 lists one for entertaining babies & toddlers when travelling, one with some travel safety tips and one for flying with babies and toddlers.