Treasure Hunt

Unknown // Thursday, 19 July 2012

When Dave left for Germany he had a special Lego set to give to Luke before he left.  Rather than just give him the present, I decided to create a "daddy theme" treasure hunt.  Luke and Dave were out running a few last-minute errands and when they got home there was a clue on the front door.

he clues were things like, "Where daddy puts your clean clothes"...

And "What daddy makes mommy in the mornings" (tea)...

He ran all over the house (and outside) going from clue to clue...

Until he ended on the clue, "Where do we put clean, wet clothes"...

When he opened the dryer he found his present!

Mason loved him some bow :)

Here's a picture of Luke MUCH later in the day after completing the set that daddy got for him :)
I don't think I'm exaggerating at all when I say that I think he probably played with this fire station set at least 3 hours a day the entire 10 days that Dave was gone :)