InstaPics: IKEA Edition

Unknown // Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Over Christmas break we had LOTS of IKEA adventures... starting with ALL OF THIS being delivered to our living room....

Daddy and Haha worked HARD putting all the new furniture together and Luke played "supervisor"... standing on the ladder telling everyone what to do. :)

We headed to IKEA "several" times over break to pick up odds and ends for the boys new room and each time we went the boys asked for either snacks or lunch.  (That's my boy(s)!) hehehe.  It's hard to turn down $0.50 hot dogs (and not getting my kitchen dirty!) so I obliged:

Back again the next day!

What?!?! More snacks?!?!?! :)

This is how Mommy felt after two back-to-back days at IKEA as well :)
Don't get me wrong - I love me some IKEA... but I've definitely had my fill for a while.  The crazy carts (is it just me or are they a total workout?!?!?!) wear me out... I always end up with lots of ideas and then end up being crazy indecisive and I pretty much always forget something. :)