Party Planning Timetable

Unknown // Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Now I've actually got our own party out of the way it's time to share all my party planning lists.

First up, there's this printable time-table that gives you a big picture overview of what you need to be doing when.  Tomorrow, there will be a detailed check-list so you don't forget anything and on Thursday lots of top tips to help the party go with a bang.  Finally, on Friday there will be a Party Party which is your chance to link up all your party posts, pins and pictures.

Now I know some people just hate time-tables and check-lists but my theory is, it's much easier to get everything done without turning into mummy-from-hell if it isn't all whizzing around in your short term memory driving you nuts.  And it's a lot, lot, lot easier to delegate if you can just shove a list in some one's hand!

Although, I've come up with a 5 week timetable you obviously could cram everything into much less time but if you can do a little bit a week it's much easier to combine with those other teeny tiny little things going on in your life like childcare, cleaning, work etc etc.

From experience don't under estimate the time that will go into negotiating themes, cakes, activities and - in the case of girls at least - outfits.  Also prepare yourself for attempted last minute renegotiation and the most ridiculous demands!  Just as we were starting to make the requested Peppa Pig cake I was told that we also needed to make separate George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig cakes!  Errr ... that will be a NO!

I will cover all the items in the time-table in much more detail in the check-list tomorrow but do let me know what you think.  Does it cover everything or have I forgotten the blatantly obvious?

Oh and P.S. don't forget to get your posts ready for the Party Party link-up on Friday.

This post is linked to the SNAP Show and Tell party.