Shrek running around my kitchen while I was cooking dinner:
Artwork from school:
Pure sweetness! They were both out like LIGHTS!
"NO, Daddy!" (when Mason says snow it sounds like No)
Stripes and a hot chocolate mustache:
Brothers shopping at Kroger after school:
Mason is OBSESSED with his "Lamby". It goes everywhere with him and he insists on feeding it at every meal :)
Rockin' mama's glasses...
Working on some Math homework...
Feeling pretty puny after school on Friday. Nothing some ibuprofen and banana Popsicles couldn't fix!
Yes, he is dipping his banana in ketchup. Yes, he is gross.
Taco pie. Seriously YUM! I'll have to post the recipe soon because it is ridiculously easy and DELISH!
Hot chocolate smile turned cheesy grin :)