Morning sickness sucks!

Unknown // Thursday, 21 February 2013

Copyright Andrew Comings 2008 Creative Commons

You're deliriously happy and unbelievably excited having received the best news of your life. You're pregnant - hurrah!!

But you feel - excuse my French - like complete crap!

Maybe morning sickness is nature's way of introducing new mums-to-be, to the bitter-sweetness that is motherhood.  It's overwhelmingly wonderful but sometimes it just stinks!

Luckily - unless like Kate Middleton you have the truly horrid extreme morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidardum - it usually goes after the first trimester and there are loads of natural things that help.

My personal favourites were fizzy orange, the smell of lemon juice and dry oat cakes.

Oh, and I totally avoided the kitchen! I just couldn't stand the smell of cooking food ... :-(

Morning Sickness Tips

You can also download this printable list of natural tips to relieve morning sickness.

I would love to hear your stories about what worked for you - do come and tell me about them on Twitter and Facebook and if you're looking for more pregnancy and new baby tips from other bloggers do check out this Pinterest board ...

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