Thrifting 101 - Just use less!

Unknown // Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Copyright Grounsel Creative Commons

I can't claim I've ever been the world's thriftiest person!

But in the present economic climate - which still seems a bit uncertain and scary - I am, likes lots of people, trying hard to be more careful.

Some of the great thrifty bloggers -  DomesblissityFamily BudgetingA Thrifty MumDiary of a Frugal FamilyMy Mummys Pennies and Frugal in Cornwall are current faves - have inspired me to believe that each little bit of thriftiness might not save a lot in itself but together they really add up!

And just as important they change your whole mindset so you instinctively notice more when you're wasting money and stuff.

Since Christmas, I've been more mindful about how much energy we use - I am getting better at keeping doors shut and putting on an extra woolie rather than the heating but it still needs work.

This week, I am focusing on just using less! I've come up with a list of the top things that we get through at rapid rate and  will try to stop squirting out big dollops without thinking!
  1. Clothes washing liquid / powder
  2. Fabric conditioner
  3. Washing up liquid
  4. Shower gel
  5. Baby wipes
  6. Toothpaste
  7. Butter
  8. Foundation
  9. Face cream
  10. Hair conditioner
They may not seem a big deal but it's easy to spend £30/$50 on this lot and if I can use a third less each time that's £10/$16 saved each time I buy the lot.  Over the year that mounts up.

If you're looking for more thrift tips check out the Thrifty Families Blog Carnival and my Thrifty pin board ...

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