The Friday Baby Shower - A Lovely New Blog Hop!

Unknown // Friday, 15 February 2013

One of the things I've most enjoyed about blogging, since I started this blog last summer is the parties.

I have to confess to being a complete party girl!  I enjoy lots of fab blog hops every week and have discovered so many lovely and amazing bloggers whilst out partying.

The one thing I haven't found is a weekly hop for all posts "new baby" - everything from pregnancy journals, pregnant mum health and labour stories to all the unbelievable highs and lows of new mummydom and everything in between.

Although, my "new baby" is now three - and chances of number 2 are sadly diminishing - I seem to spend a lot of my time blogging about "new baby" stuff.  Partly, it's me working out things I still feel angry or hurt or frustrated about and partly, it's wanting to share my experiences in the hope that other new mums might find them helpful.

So, in the absence of any parties where I felt I could regularly post my new baby stuff or meet lots of other bloggers writing on the same, I've taken the plunge and organised my own - The Friday Baby Shower!

The idea is that whether you're a mum-to-be, a new mum or an old hand who just happens to be reflecting this week on your experiences, you can come and link up your favourite posts - this week's are great, but do feel free to link up your past gems as well - and together we'll hopefully provide a great resource for non-blogging mummies as well.

As with most blog hops, I would love it if you followed me in some way and if you linked back to the Friday Baby Shower, but you don't have to, to join the party - just come along, meet some other bloggers and have some fun!

Once, we've got the party rolling, I'll start featuring my favourites every week and right from the start off I'll pin all posts to my New Baby pin board.

Thanks so much for joining the party