Kite Day 2013

Unknown // Monday, 11 March 2013

MCA has an annual event for Lower School, Kite Day.  Luke was SUPER PUMPED about this special day mainly because he'd never flown a kite before. (are we terrible parents for him having never flown a kite???)  Anyway... it was SUPER cold, but that didn't stop PK5 from having a blast :)
(Luke's peeking out from behind the giant butterfly kite... doesn't it look like a gorgeous day?!?!? hahaha)

Luke picked out a Leonardo Ninja Turtles kite (can you tell he went with Daddy to pick it out???? hehehe), and I took about 37 pictures of him and he wasn't looking at me (or giving me a genuine smile) in a single one. Homeboy is yet to realize that if he would look and smile nicely the first time, it wouldn't take us 8 minutes to take pictures!

The Pre-K kids were all paired up with a fifth grade buddy and Luke got Maddie Grace!  Apparently Luke was in high demand... as his teacher received SEVERAL text messages from fifth graders wanting Luke to be their partner :)  Love that the big kids at school love my little guy :)

I think that he and Maddie are a great match solely based on their hair... I mean, seriously... have you ever seen two kids with more hair?!?!?! :)

Maddie Grace was super patient and sweet...

... and they were able to get Luke's kite going on their first try.

There were several 8th graders helping out as well and Dave and I were cracking up because at one point Luke had 7 students "helping" him fly his kite :)

Love this one :)

That's my sweet boy's kite! He was so proud :)

Totally on task :), one of my 8th graders caught a baby bunny...

... and brought it over to show Luke. I mean, really - I have the best students!

Pre-K flew their kites for about 30 minutes and then they sat with their buddies to watch Kindergarten fly theirs.  Again, Luke, with the picture taking.  I didn't feel like subjecting his sweet partner to my 4000 pictures in an attempt to get a "real smile", so I just settled for this one.  You can tell that he's totally uncomfortable with the "big kids", right?

Kite Day was a success and Luke now wants to be a "professional kite flyer" when he grows up :)

And here are a couple of scrapbook pages I made with pics from the day: