Unknown // Sunday, 3 March 2013

This past Tuesday I got called into my Principal's office before chapel to discuss getting my Student Government kids involved in an end-of-the-year project.  The meeting ran a little bit into chapel, but as he and I (and the 3 or 4 other people in the meeting) walked up to the Student Life Center I had ZERO suspicious of anything "funny" happening.  We walked into the gym and heard tons of kids screaming SURPRISE!  There were three tables set up (with LOTS of gifts! so sweet!) and three rocking chairs up on the stage.  One for Coach B (whose wife is due in March), one for Me and one for Mr. Snow (our Band Director whose wife had a baby about a month ago).  

This was my view from the stage (this is the 8th grade... 6th grade was to the left and 7th to the right):

We played shower games, including a bottle "chugging" contest and several rounds of a game where representatives from each grade had to taste baby food.  Hilarious!

A group of girls sang a couple of songs, we prayed for our babies and it was the most special and sweet surprise ever.  A student took pictures, and is supposed to email me a bunch.  So I'll be sure to post them when I get them.  Right after chapel I had to go teach my classes, so students loaded all the unopened gifts into my car.  It was really fun to get to take my time and open them at home Tuesday night.  I got so much cute stuff, diapers and gift cards and it was such a blessing.  The best part was getting to read the cards from my students.  There were LOTS of outfits where the cards said things like, "Can't wait to see Griffin wear this... because I know you'll post pics on Instagram".  hahaha.  They know me so well. 

One such outfit was a Cardinals onesie gifted to me by a student whose a HUGE fan.  he said I'd know how to "accessorize it". :)