Learn to Count Using Rhyme

Unknown // Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Rhyme is the most amazing thing!

We humans seem pre-wired to love and remember it and as babies and very young children to appreciate it without understanding what the words mean.

Which makes rhyme a brilliant way for babies to learn language including numbers.

Repeating the numbers 1 to 10 isn't actually counting - it's just remembering some words.  Counting is about using those words to work out how many things there are and lots of children who can repeat the numbers can't count.

But numbers introduce children to concepts of quantity so enjoying lots of number rhymes with babies and young children provides a fun way into counting and the wonderful, magical world of maths that lies behind it.

There's loads of nursery rhymes out there - old and new - that involve numbers. I've started a list ... at the bottom of the post ... but I'm sure you can think of lots more ... do add your faves ...

There are also some brilliant rhyme & number books that even very young pre-verbal children will enjoy.  My daughter absolutely adored Hedgehog Howdedo and Sniff Snuff Snap by the fabulous Lynley Dodd of Hairy Maclary fame when she was under one ...

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And between one and two she also really enjoyed Lynley Dodd's fabulously illustrated Nickle Nackle Tree and Julia Donaldson's One Ted Falls Out of Bed ...

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Rhymes That Help Children Learn to Count

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