Playing Catch Up - Part II

Unknown // Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Last Wednesday morning my lap was valuable real estate (p.s.... check out how cute Griffin is in this pic) :)

I picked Luke up early from VBS and we headed to the pediatrician for Griffin's 2-month check up.  Mason wanted to wear his frog boots and I decided to be a "yes mom". :)

Griffin was a champ at her check-up... she even managed her vaccines well (Luke held her hand) :)

When we were walking inside after getting home from the doctor (blue suckers in hand), Luke was SOOOOOOOOO excited that these little flowers along our walkway were blooming.  Apparently, the night before Gibi had told him that they would bloom tomorrow and they did! Gibi knows EVERYTHING :)

If you have to get shots, at least you get hot pink bandaids.  I'm pretty sure the nurses coordinated them with her romper. hehehe

Griffin was all smiles in the afternoon...

That night we played with waterguns while Griffin napped.

... and when she woke up she was pretty pitiful.

 Thursday morning Griffin and Luke had some sweet chit chat time:

And Mason and I took some early-morning selfies :)

Thursday morning MAson woke up with a random fever, so I tried to appease his puny self with some play doh...

... and some water play:

Griffin looked adorable, as always...

... and Mason didn't let his fever slow him down while INHALING a corn dog dipped in butterscotch pudding. :)

We had tummy time...

... and I tried out a fun new nail color.

Friday I tried my hand at making "Monster Cookies".  They're a flourless peanut butter cookie with chocolate chips and m&ms.  My boys loved them, as did the people who work for Dave :)

The boys played with our homemade play dough...

... and I took some sweet pictures of Griffin.

Luke is going through a "robot phase" with his artwork...

This is pretty much why Mason requires 24/7 supervision.  #trouble

The boys checked out the "supermoon" on Friday night...

...and Griffin took her very first formula bottle!

I MAY have drowned my sorrows over her growing up WAY too fast with a little online shopping.  If she has to get big, at least she can look cute doing it :)

Saturday morning Dave was at work by 5:45 a.m. so it was just me and these three crazies :)

We ran to Sam's with Gibi and decided to have pizza for lunch while we were there.  Griffin and Luke shared some kisses...

Luke was playing with my camera and later I found this picture he took.  Love it!

Now that Griffin is doing bottles some of  the time the boys are anxious to help.

Oh, hey!

Saturday night Luke made me a lego creation... it's me in a car that's powered by jewels.