Wednesday, June 5th - First Pool Trip

Unknown // Friday, 14 June 2013

Wednesday morning Anna Grace came over and my boys were super pumped to see her sweet dog Maggie:

Last summer Mason didn't get in the pool a single time when we were there with friends... he hung out in his stroller and snacked.  This summer MAY prove to be a repeat of last :)  At one point he was "lounging" and Anna Grace was feeding him strawberries - it was ridiculous and cute and awesome.

Anna Grace (my LIFE SAVER!) took Luke and Kensington and Smith to the big pool so Mason could eat in peace, Griffin could nap and Shay and I could talk :)  It was fantastic.

These two couldn't be cuter:

The crazy crew of the day... at least Mason was looking :)

My kids weren't  looking, but Kensington was being super photogenic:

The look between Smith and Mason cracks me up:

This is why I love pool days:

You know it's summer when your bathroom looks like this...

Later in the afternoon Luke and I did an "A is for Airplane craft"

And MAson pretended to be sweet and check on his sister, when really he was just scrounging for pacis :)

After unrolling and putting almost an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet (Mason) it was hand-washing time...