Back to school ... some children can't wait, others are in despair - I always was - and most mums can't decide what they feel!
Yes, back to school will mean a break from 24x7 duties as in house entertainer, on demand chef, peace keeper and official finder of all things lost or at least not in completely immediate view.
But on the other hand back to school is back to the living nightmare that is getting your children out of the house in the morning with teeth cleaned, clothes on, breakfast in their tummy, hair at least vaguely brushed and an unbelievably enormous bag of essential "stuff" on their back.
Added to that they will have somehow managed to grow 6 inches over the holiday so nothing fits and all that essential "stuff" will have mysteriously hidden itself all round the house, either broken beyond repair or covered in "could wipe out the world" scale bacteria (origins unknown).
So to stop you going "back to school" bonkers before term even starts I've come up with a check-list of things that you need to get done before the big day ... I'm sure I've missed stuff so do add your great tips to the list ...
Back to School Check-list
- Check with school if any new uniform or equipment needed in the new term
- Sort through clothes to find those that need mending, letting out or replacing
- Give away out grown clothes - do check if friends can make use of
- Replace clothes with pre-loved or new - let friends know you're open to pre-loved
- Let out & mend clothes
- Make or order labels (need to order labels well in advance)
- Get feet measured
- Have shoes that still fit repaired
- Give trainers - pongy! - a good wash
- Stock up on spare laces for shoes & trainers
- Buy new shoes if needed
- Wash school bags - there may be stuff growing in them! - or replace
- Go through sports equipment and repair or replace
- Restock stationary supplies
- Create a holiday journal celebrating time together & recording memories
- Spend time talking about all the things that are great about school
- Readjust bed & getting up times at least 2 weeks in advance
- Readjust breakfast routine - check out these fab ideas for term time breakfasts
- For last week ensure everyone washed & dressed by school leaving time
- Spend an hour or so every day on quiet activities
- Provide opportunities for children to raise any worries or fears
- Put all key term dates in diaries
- Write a packed lunch plan - Second Chance to Dream has some great ideas
- Stock up on cupboard & freezer items for lunches
- Get kids hair cut
- Get dentists check-ups out of the way before term starts
- Take a photograph to mark the start of the new term - make it a family tradition; check out We Made That for a lovely example
- Have a back to school countdown - Twig and Twirls has a wonderful one
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