Breakfast Like a King

Unknown // Friday, 23 August 2013

Big breakfasts are too often associated with putting on the pounds.

But there is a lot of sense to the old adage "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper."

The calories ... and fats and sugar ... you eat at breakfast can get burnt off throughout the day with even moderate exercise whilst those at supper time don't. So if, like me, you're trying to lose weight, it makes sense to have a big meal first thing.

And although breakfast obviously can be un-healthy there's lots of simple ways to make even a big breakfast healthier including ...

  • Smoothies packed full of 2 or 3 helpings of fruit or veg
  • Pancakes, bread & rolls made with whole wheat or spelt flour
  • Muffins & scones crammed with loads more fruit & veg
  • Low GI oats that keep you going throughout the morning
  • Fab savoury dishes that will leave you only needing a light supper

And as these fabulous contributions to my Empty Your Archive party show, you can eat healthily at breakfast without in anyway sacrificing the taste!


Bangers & Mash and Oh Mrs Tucker have great recipes for strawberry smoothies, Craft 'n Things for Children one for green honey dew melon also have fabulous smoothie recipes and Baby Giveaways Galores a high energy oat and almond option.

Strawberry & Honey Super Smoothies - Bangers & Mash

Pancakes & Waffles

There are loads of ways to make pancakes and waffles healthier whether by making them with whole wheat flour like these from Cooking with Curls or completely gluten free like these banana ones from The Pin Junkie.

And you can pile them high with fresh fruit or a fabulous fruit compote like this strawberry and rhubarb one from Season of Sweets ... plenty of fruit daily is really important for weight loss and you can cut sugar right down.

Gluten Free Banana Pancakes - The Pin Junkie


Cinnamon & sweet rolls may seem like anything but the healthiest option but I don't think total denial of all things yummy is the most effective way to lose weight - so the trick is to use for example spelt flour which is low GI but really good for bready baking and increase their fibre content by packing them full of fruit. 

Winnie, Oh Mrs Tucker, Turnips to Tangerines and Bible Love Notes all have delicious sweet roll recipes that you could adapt to make them healthier if you wanted.

Blueberry sweet rolls with lemon glaze - Cooking with Curls

Muffins & Scones

I could go on about the wonders of muffins all day ... and I have ;-) But they are great with spelt flour and you can absolutely jam them full of whatever odds and sod of leftover fruit or veg that you have to use up.

I Got This MarthaBaby Give Aways GaloreMy Lamp is Full and Oh Mrs Tucker  all have fun versions.

Scones are also great with spelt or whole wheat flour - as these from Be Healthy Be Happy Wellness - and like muffins can be stuffed full of fruit or veg.

Glazed Donut Muffin from Oh Mrs Tucker


Bread for breakfast may seem boring but as Winnie - who is a truly amazing baker - shows it really needn't be. Her fabulous brioche and rolls would make a scrumptious start to any day.

The other great thing about bread is that you can cram it full of fruit, nuts, seeds and healthy flours as in this  apple and walnut bread from PPP Pizzazz and banana bread from Baby Give Aways Galore

And you can make super healthy toppings for the bread like this wonderful peanut butter from De Jong Dream House which includes amazing chia seeds.

A beautiful brioche from Winnie 

Oat Meal & Cereal

How fabulous are oats? They're miracle workers if you're breast feeding and great for breakfast if you're losing weight as they keep you full all morning.

Plus there are a load of tasty ways you can work them into breakfast whether it's oil & sugar free cereal bars, granola, oat cookiesmuffins or even crockpot oatmeal.

Super Healthy Cereal Bars from Baby Give Aways Galore


Breakfast really can be your main meal of the day without resorting to a fry up.

There's so many easy options that will set you up for the day ... how about ...

Italian Frittata - Cooking with Curls

What about you, what are your favourite big breakfast ideas? Do link them up below ...

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More Great Breakfast Ideas