Blogging huh?
Who knew when they started, how much this blogging malarky would take over their life?
Who knew blogging could devour so much time and so much emotional energy? Who knew that blogging ups and downs would define our day? Who knew that blogging would become so important to us that we would define ourselves as "bloggers"?
Don't get me wrong, I love it!
But, I do think we have to be careful how much time we spend on blogging and how we spend that time, as most of us will not make that much direct money out of blogging but can very easily sacrifice a great deal of family time to it.
At the moment I am trying to set myself some blogging targets and to prioritise what I do on the blog. To do that I have had to work out how much time I can justify spending on blogging.
And to do that I have had to take one step further back and ask myself the $10 million question of "Why on earth do I blog?" ... It's been a really interesting exercise and I've found it incredibly helpful. I can't recommend it enough.
I just brainstormed all my motivations for blogging. And put them in order of importance.
So many of them are so contradictory.
But seeing them all there and forcing myself to decide which were most important really helped me see that I spend an awful lot of time doing things on my blog that don't contribute to the most important goals.
And that there are goals that are really important to me that I haven't really invested time in.
And it got me wondering whether there were completely different ways that I hadn't tried before that might better help me achieve my most important goals.
In a nutshell, that gave me a list of what I need to:
- STOP doing
- Do MORE of
- Get creative about & do BETTER
Next week I am going to be sharing some more tips that have really helped me plan my blogging time and be much more productive, but in the meantime this is a list of lots of possible blogging goals that I came up with, with a couple of my blogging friends and that you might find helpful in identifying your own goals ..
Do you recognise your goals on this list? Or would you add others? Which are most important to you? Are some of yours contradictory? What's your answer to the $10 million question "Why do I blog?" ... do share your thoughts ...
Blogging Goals
- Share family life with friends
- Keep a journal of family's life and personal thoughts
- Keep a record of children's childhood
- Have an outlet for writing
- Exchange ideas in areas of interest
- Exchange tips on how to survive motherhood etc
- Meet new people with similar interests
- Make new friends
- Share experiences in hope they can help others
- Get support from people facing similar challenges
- Get free stuff for the family
- Make enough money from blogging to provide extras for the family
- Make enough money from blogging so can stay at home with kids
- Make a living from blogging
- Learn new skills that can help future career e.g. social media
- Learn new skills that can make money out of e.g. building websites
- Learn new skills so can work from home
- Build contacts who might help me get a new job
- Create a show case for e.g. writing, photography, editing, social media skills
- Build relationships with brands that might be useful for career
- Build relationships with publishers that might be useful for career
- Create a marketing channel for other products e.g. on Etsy
- Create a marketing channel for family business / new business
- Establish an audience for a book I want to publish
To add a tip, click the Add Link button, put your tip in the name field and if you like add a URL to a blog post or your favourite social media account. Your e-mail will never be disclosed. Please make sure it's a genuine tip that is helpful in it's own right and not just the title of a blog post or product.
If you looking for more great blogging tips check out my Grow Your Blog and Mommy Hack series and follow my blogging board on Pinterest ...
And for more great blog planning posts from other bloggers check out the posts below ... and feel free to add your own ...
Blog Planning
This post has been shared at ... Home Stories A to Z, The Gunny Sack, Crystal and Co, Ginger Snap Crafts, Trendy Tree House, Domesblissity, Ladybird Ln, Clever Chicks, Sumos Sweet Stuff, Keeping It Simple, Lines Across, Get Your Crafts On, A Bowlful of Lemons, Clean and Scentsible, We Are That Family, By Stephanie Lynn, More the Merrier Monday, I Should Be Mopping the Floor, 36th Avenue, Six Sisters Stuff, 52 Mantels,Whatever Goes, Finding Fabulous, Skip to My Lou, Fluster Muster, Creative Princess, Tumbleweed Contessa,Give Me the Goods