Friday Baby Shower #17

Unknown // Thursday 13 June 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the bump & baby party.

So sorry that there was no party last week but we all had horrible flu.

This week you can link up all your latest bump and baby posts PLUS all your posts old and new on how to bring up a green baby ...

Faves From the Last Party

Thank you so much for all your posts at the last party ... they're such a joy to read.

These were just a few of my faves ...

For more wonderful pregnancy & baby posts check out the Mommy Archive.


Everyone loves to be pinned, so do get in the party spirit and PIN all your fave posts ...

... and I would be absolutely ticked pink if you would follow me on Pinterest ...

Follow Me on Pinterest

I'm off on holiday next week, so this week's party will be open for 2 weeks.

Now on with the party ... I can't wait to see what you have to share ...


Friday Baby Shower

Empty Your Archive - Green Baby ...