The weekend before Thanksgiving I spent getting all of our Christmas decorations out, which for me, seems to always entail a deep cleaning and massive organization of the house at the same time. hahaha. Needless to say, Saturday afternoon, I was lookin like a hot mess - dirty hair, dirty cleaning clothes, no makeup, etc. when the doorbell rang. AWESOME! When I opened the door there were 5 Junior High girls participating in our churches DNOW weekend (p.s. - 4 out of the 5 girls are my students). They had this stuffed tiger and asked to trade it for something bigger and better. SO FUN! Anyway, Luke had JUST woken up from his nap (hence the bed head and lack of pants), but I snapped a quick picture of him with these sweet, sweet girls.
He talked about the "girls who came over" for DAYS after and has slept with the tiger ever since :)