Out with a bang

Unknown // Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Buddy the Elf went out with a bang at our house. Here are a few of his last antics.

He took a marshmallow bath... He snuck into the cake stand and munched on a few snacks...

and on his very last morning (Christmas Eve) he filled the boy's bathroom with BALLOONS!!!

Luke got up and immediately began his search for Buddy, when he couldn't find him anywhere we convinced him to go brush his teeth and then we'd look some more. Here he is opening the bathroom door...

... and of course the first thing he has to do is start kicking all the balloons :)

Think he was just a TEENY bit excited???

Kind of awkward that all of these pictures are taken sitting on the potty, but oh well! :)

"Look, Mommy! Buddy even blew up a PEAR SHAPED balloon"

My morning continued as usual until I was beckoned back into the bathroom by Dave because "Luke was missing"

Thanks Buddy the Elf for providing us with lots of smiles and laughs this Christmas season, and for helping us avoid a few tantrums along the way :) See you next year!