
Unknown // Thursday, 15 December 2011

Our halls have been "decked" since the weekend before Thanksgiving and I will admit that my favorite time of the day is as soon as it gets dark when I can turn on all of my lights :)

It's been extra fun this year because Luke is really into all the decorations.
(Yes, we've neen extra good this year, which is why we have the world's largest stockings. hahaha)

One of my favorite parts - my card basket. LOVE LOVE LOVE getting all the Christmas cards in the mail!

Bay window behind the kitchen sink...

This year we decided to put the tree up in the "play room" instead of the family room. So far I like it (plus, Dave likes it because it doesn't cast a glare on the TV - typical. hahaha)

Last year the tree was in the far corner...

My favorite decor this year is in Luke's room. I was going to do a little tree, but opted for some garland instead. He adores having the lights on at night :)