I've seen LOTS of these "Year in Review" posts lately and when I set out to do my own I had a TON of trouble picking JUST ONE picture from each month - so I didn't. So may I present to you my overachiever Year in Review...
January - We weathered some pretty drastic weather changes from warm and sunny to snow! My belly grew and grew (and then grew some more), we celebrated Dave's grandma turning 90 and Luke worked on riding his scooter:
February - Aside from being snowed in for several days, we also spent lots of time outside, were excited about seeing Uncle Mark's new mini and celebrated Valentines Day with our friends from small group:March - My swelling reached a crazy high point and I wasn't able to do much this month (other than sit on the couch with my feet propped up), but we did manage to spend some time with Jonathan, Tori, and Lilly, get Mason's room ready for his arrival and do some major spring cleaning out in the yard.April - By far the busiest month of the year :) We started it off with a father-son trip to the car show, followed by Lilly's birthday party and then Luke's outdoor party on the WINDIEST DAY OF THE YEAR! Mason showed up (EARLY! HALLELUJAH!) as did several cubic yards of mulch. hahaha I struggled through some health issues post partem, but was able to remain out of the hospital. We celebrated Easter as well as Gibi and Haha's birthdays.
May - Luke finished up his year at Mother's Day Out, we spent lots of time at the Beach at Fairview and Mason made several trips to school with me (NHS Induction, Graduation, etc.). We hung out with friends and had our very first trip to the pool.
June - Mommy got her first pair of cowboy boots (YAY!), Mason sat in the bumbo for the first time and we spent lots and lots and LOTS of time at the pool (and the aquarium).
July - We celebrated the 4th at the parade downtown, Jessie came to visit, Luke went to his very first VBS and we spent A LOT of time inside due to the extreme heat. We worked on Bible memory verses, had small group at the pool and I co-hosted a shower for Levi.
August - It was back to school for mommy and off to the sitters for the boys. Mason hung out in his exersaucer and ate cereal for the first time, Luke became a superhero and we celebrated Daddy's 28th birthday (several times).
September - September brought Levi's arrival, Homecoming week, the very first MCA football game of the season and a Labor day get-together. It was also the month we had Mason dedicated and the month when we realized how much he and I looked alike as babies :)
October - I feel like most of October was spent in costume :) , but I guess that's how it's supposed to be. We hung out at Home Depot, went to several super fun parties, hosted a party and Mason turned HALF of a year old!
November - November was BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! Mason started sitting up (YAY!), Oma and Anneka came to visit, we had Thanksgiving, did community service and had family pictures taken. Somewhere in there I managed to get up all of our Christmas decor as well.
December - December was JAM PACKED with Holiday fun. Santa visited our house, we had breakfast with Buddy the Elf, attended the parade, had our first ever Luke and Mommy day and MASON STARTED CRAWLING!
2011 has been an amazing year. I'm not sure how 2012 will come close, but I have a feeling there's lots of fun in store for us! :)
2011 has been an amazing year. I'm not sure how 2012 will come close, but I have a feeling there's lots of fun in store for us! :)