
Unknown // Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Mason can be mildly dramatic - especially when it comes to being somewhere that he doesn't want to be and food.  In this case he didn't want to be in the exersaucer AND (heaven forbid!) I put some animal crackers on his tray when he wanted a banana. Like any good mom I got my iPhone out to take pictures of him throwing the fit and sat there and giggled at him until he got himself together. :)  

My favorite pictures are the middle ones - head back screaming at the injustice in the top middle and all out unbridled screaming in the bottom.  I think that he must get his dramatic side from Dave since I was never dramatic at all as a child, right mom??? :)
Love this sweet boy and love that he still manages to look cute (maybe just to his mama) while pitching the world's biggest fit.  :)