Shopping list - potty training

Unknown // Monday, 16 July 2012

Oh my, yet another milestone that requires you to fork out for new stuff!  The good news is that whilst potty training stress may be high, the amount you have to fork out for new gear is not.

Having just stumbled through potty training - and well done to those of you who did, but no we did NOT get through it in one week! - I think the key is to get everything you want well in advance so that when you do start in earnest you are all calm and relaxed and you sail through serenely smiling throughout with never the momentary temptation to run out into the street and scream loudly!!

As ever it is worth trying to get stuff from friends and family  as lots of it isn't needed for very long.

So click here for the list and good luck and remember keep smiling!

********************** POTTY TRAINING LINKY ******************************
And if you've got any great posts on potty training do add to the linky below