You make your own bed!

Unknown // Monday, 4 February 2013

Copyright Tina Lawson 2007 Creative Commons
Blimey it’s week 5 already of my domestic dummy makeover - where did January go?

I’m not doing too badly with my new habits - the dishes, bins, bathroom, kitchen - so far. Which isn’t to say I manage them all every day but I am getting better.

Previously if I didn’t do them all in the evening I would just let everything slip. Now I just do them as soon as I’ve got a handy few minutes - and as none of them take more than a few minutes that gets me back on track.

But, this week’s habit is making the beds - which is something I really do want to get done first thing as I find it so depressing when they’re still unmade half way through the day or even worse at bedtime. Some research into insomnia claims people sleep better in a well-made bed and I really do buy that.

Not having been instructed in the art since the brownies - several centuries ago! - I have to say my bed making skills are pretty poor.  I really would love to be able to make a bed really well - hotel standard - really quickly and I've found loads of fab tips on this bed making Pinterest board on how to master the art.

But back on planet earth where I am still baby stepping my way to the most basic domestic competence I will just aim everyday to:
  1. Straighten the sheets
  2. Puff up the pillows
  3. Shake out the duvet and put it back on and smooth it out
And that really is only a minute per bed - so three minutes tops, no excuses!

Whether you're a domestic dummy like me or a full blown domestic goddess do come and talk housework, babies, parenting and other stuff on Twitter and Google+.

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