This week's themes are ...
- Covers - upholstery, loose covers & throws ... all your tutorials and tips on making, repairing and cleaning them plus your great finds and makeovers ...
- Party Food - all kinds of party food from cakes to canapes ...
- Back to School - how do you prepare your kids for returning to school? Check-lists and tips plus stories challenging or funny all very welcome
- Kids Glue & Sticking Crafts - glue & sticking crafts of all sorts for kids ...
- Blog Roll - something completely different this week, a chance to spread some bloggy love by linking up your absolute fave blog of the moment ...
- Beautiful Hair - your fave styles and tips and tutorials for beautiful hair - feel free on this one to link to any dedicated Pinterest boards on the subject
- Summer Holiday Activities - all your ideas & round-ups for keeping the kids entertained throughout the summer vacation
Remember there's a separate link up for each theme!
Can you believe someone snuck in a Christmas post at last week's party? It's July!
But it got me thinking & I decided would actually be great to open up links for all the big celebrations. That way you can link-up whenever it takes your fancy & I can share round-ups of your posts well in advance of the celebrations and get you the most exposure I can.
So in addition to this week's theme's you can also start linking up posts on Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines and Easter ...
And if you really want to party + can't find a topic for your posts in the Mommy Archive you can link up in the Lucky Dip section at the bottom of each party ....
My Big Faves ...
- A simple but standout command centre from The Crafty Mummy
- A great recipe for zucchini & ricotta galette from Feeding Big . I just loved seeing her haul of fresh fruit & veggies from her local CSA scheme.
- Jenny Evolution on the number of teenagers still drinking under the influence
- Fabulously unconventional ideas for building blocks from School Time Snippets
- Lovely Serena n Lili knock off curtains from Thrifter in Disguise
- Wonderful DIY curtain poles from Gallery 512
- Vanilla and brown sugar body scrub from Day to Day Super Mom