The boys went to another Home Depot workshop on July 7th...
... and this was the first time that Mason REALLY participated :)
They built a Despicable Me car and had so much fun!
Leave Mason alone for 5 seconds and he's COVERED in yellow marker.
"Where's my pink, mommy???"
The VERY best part of my day...
Sunday morning and Griffin is dressed and ready for church :)
This is what happens when Mason gets the hose...
"I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you"
Some major YUMMY went down in the kitchen Sunday afternoon...
... and Sunday night we enjoyed it when Gibi and Haha came over. Luke insisted that we all wear "silly hats" :)
Griffin doesn't get NEARLY enough attention from her brothers (hahaha) :)
Captain Mason reporting for duty!
Griffin keeping one eye on Mommy while I work :)
The boys went to work with Daddy for a bit... backwards shirt and all.
This is why we hire a very competent professional photographer to take pics of our kiddos :)
After a walk/slushy with Daddy. They're CRAZIES, but they're MY CRAZIES :)
After washing off all the slushy...
Another Morning, another Cap'n...
What lunch looks like for me most days. An hour of "Slightly Askew" time while everyone naps.
Luke tried out a "karate" class at The Little Gym and LOVED it!
Griffin LOVED watching her Daddy while he watched Luke at Karate.
I had SOOOOOOO much fun doing this "Little Mermaid" theme birthday invitation. LOVE how it turned out.
My mom sent me this picture of me at 3 months... family resemblance???
A fun treat for Anna Grace, the boys and myself after a morning run to Target...
EEEEK! Can it be Christmas yet???
An evening of "watering the plants" turned water fight turned extra fun when Haha stopped by on his way home from work with Scooter. Mason thought Scooter might like a taste of his push pop.