July 1 started off PERFECTLY!!!! It was 70 degrees in the morning... perfect for a pre-breakfast walk! Dave was off work, so we all walked down to Gibi and Haha's house. Gibi was already at work, but Haha was home (and willing to share his black coffee with Mason... who LIKED it!)
Mason falls ALL the time and his poor little knees take a beating. Thankfully he's a tough little guy :)
Griffin has been doing really well with formula and so Monday afternoon I went to Hobby Lobby ALL BY MYSELF!!! I ADORE my kids,but it was FABULOUS to get out without having to bring a single capri sun, diaper or stroller. #freedom
As if getting out by myself wasn't exciting enough... Hobby Lobby was putting out CHRISTMAS!!! EEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!! That means Fall is on the way!!!