Check-list - Christmas planning!

Unknown // Tuesday 18 September 2012

Hush, hush, whisper who dares ... I am starting to think ... very vaguely has to be said ... about Christmas and am determined this year to have a completely kick a***e check-list so I can just go tick, tick, tick and get it all done without a moment's anxiety - ha, ha - or reaching for the vino ...

This is going to be another group effort - like the spring cleaning check-list - so please, please do give me your thoughts and ideas.  Thanks to everyone who has already given me suggestions - I suspected a few of the uber organised might have already starting planning but was absolutely gob-smacked to discover how much some of you have already done!

Here's the starting 10 items for the check-list ... keep them coming I am sure we can have a couple of pages worth between us by the end of the month ...

  • Present list with strict budget
  • Try to keep past present list so don't buy the same again
  • Present wish list for me so I get things I actually want/need!
  • Stocking ideas
  • Christmas card list - work, family, friends, children's friends, nursery / school teachers
  • Find addresses
  • Agreeing who is going where and when & who is doing the cooking?
  • Check & repair Christmas tree lights
  • Replace broken decorations
  • Plan menu for whole Christmas week using up left overs
Some more fab suggestions ... these are great:
  • Find out where Christmas shows / pantos are on & book early
  • Find out where the best Santa Claus is and book / plan
  • Brainstorm list of presents children can buy for grandparents etc in one no stress shop