Top tips ... choosing a stroller

Unknown // Monday 3 September 2012

Copyright Skeddy in NYC 2007 Creative Commons

Overall, our buggy has served us pretty well and although, I do still find myself experiencing "buggy envy" - particularly as our's is now so battered - the reality was that my choice was pretty constrained.  

I certainly couldn't afford to pay £500/$800+ for it and as I depend on London Transport and at the time lived in an old Victorian flat up 3 flights of stairs it had to be narrow, light and easily folded.

Choosing a Stroller 

There are all sorts of guides out there on the "best buggy buys" but having spent two+ years pushing one for several miles most days, I reckon the key is to work out which of the following are most important to you based on your lifestyle:
  1. Whether it will fit in your house
  2. Not too heavy to get up any stairs / in and out of car
  3. Comfortable height for everyone going to use it
  4. Not too wide
  5. Not too long 
  6. Fits easily on public transport (if you use it)
  7. Whether you want it to face you or face forward or do both (which costs more money)
  8. Whether you want it to take a carry cot
  9. Whether you want it to take a car seat / infant carrier
  10. Whether you want to use it from birth or from when baby can sit up
  11. Easily collapsible
  12. Extendible to take 2 babies
  13. Amount of under seat storage
  14. Stability with bags on handle bars
  15. Suitable for rough terrain (if you've got a dog or want to go walking or on beach)
  16. Suitable for jogging (assuming such a thought had even crossed your mind :-) )
  17. Re-sale value
  18. Ease of undoing clips (don't underestimate the frustration!)
  19. Ease of putting on and reliability of brake
For more advice on all of these tips you can download and print off this list of list of top tips for choosing a buggy and if you're looking for more pregnancy and new baby tips check out this Pinterest board ...

More Tips on Choosing Strollers