Check-list ... spring cleaning

Unknown // Wednesday 12 September 2012

OK, so I am experimenting today with a different kind of post and a different kind of list - rather than beavering away in the background cadging suggestions off friends, family and any random stranger I can get to talk to me about the matter and then presenting a "here it is, hope it's useful" list, I'm starting with a blank sheet and am open to all suggestions, ideas and wise words ... and as they start coming in I'll keep updating the post and write a list ...

... the only problem being that the subject of the list is so downright dull! A "spring cleaning" check-list - zzzzzzzzzzz! The idea is that it will cover all those "big" things that don't have to be done very often - maybe once or twice a year or even less often than that - but which lurk at the back of your brain because you know you really ought to get round to them, but you're not really sure how and you've got a horrible sneeking feeling that something might go horribly, horribly wrong if you don't sort it out.  Stuff like, getting the boiler serviced - thanks Sian for that one.

So please, please post your ideas in comments and I promise lots of lovely blog links in exchange ...

Thank you for all your ideas - do keep them coming! This is what we've got on the list so far ...

  • Get the boiler checked
  • Take duvets & pillows to laundrette
  • Wash loose covers
  • Hoover mattress
  • Give away / sell unused toys
  • Give away / sell unused clothes
  • Hoover under beds
  • Clear out food cupboards - for anything out of date
  • Clear out first aid kit - for anything out of date
  • Clean carpets
  • Descale kettle & iron
  • Run a clean cycle on dishwasher
  • Run a clean cycle on washing machine
  • Get windows cleaned - quarterly
Some more great additions to the list:

  • Clean cooker
  • Clean behind radiators
  • Defrost the freezer
  • Clean hard to reach light fittings
  • Wash down walls
  • Wash down skirting boards and woodwork

What else do you do? Or think you really ought to do but haven't got round to?