Sunday, April 28

Unknown // Monday 29 April 2013

We started Sunday off bright and early with family pictures at EIGHT A.M.!  Eight, people!
We somehow managed to get everyone dressed, ready, fed and were there on time.  Mason was a TOTAL mess when we got there (think full on tantrum), but all hope is not lost as I totally trust Kelly's ability to pull out something beautiful from our chaos :)

After pictures everyone was wiped.  Griffin sported some ruffled leggings and a monogrammed onesie for naptime :)

Luke wanted to get in some sister time...

All swaddled up with nowhere to go:

Up from nap and ready to stretch!

This came out of Luke's shorts pocket and it MADE MY DAY! On Saturday, Dave took the boys to the library and Luke looked up where to find Lego books :)

Sweet girl snuggles...

Sunday afternoon Griffin was lookin' super cute...

... while the boys played games on my phone.

Baby cross eyes :)

Mason wanted in on the Boppy photo op action as well...