Tuesday, April 23rd

Unknown // Wednesday 24 April 2013

Tuesday was my first official day on my own.  Up to this point Dave's pretty much been home (he's had to work at night, but has been home during the day).  Griffin treated me REALLY well and I got to work on LOTS of Slightly Askew projects (if you're a client I'm STILL catching up!).  and my extra treat was this HEAVENLY candle that sweet Shay gifted me with :) YUM!

It was cold and rainy so Griffin and I stayed inside and played dress-up :)

 I got to look at these scrawny little legs :)

And I texted Daddy lots of pics like this one.  #jealousmuch

We decided that it was a good time for a bath (since apparently it was a good time for a blowout about 10 minutes earlier) and so Griffin got her first bath at home.  We did the whole "washcloth bath" thing and then when I was getting her in her jammies her umblical cord fell off!  Full baths here we come!!!

While Griffin napped the boys, Dave and I ate dinner and "Monkey See" and "Monkey Do" were cracking each other up blowing milk bubbles.

This is what Miss Griffin did after bathtime:

... and this is what went down later that night :)
It was a great first day at home with my sweet girl!